Privacy Policy:
Trees Provincetown collects personal information when you securely make a donation online; when you choose to receive Constant Contact e-mails or other notices; or when you otherwise voluntarily provide such information. Cookies are used to allow you to navigate the website. We do not share your personal information with third parties. We may use the information we collect to notify you of events or issues sponsored or related to Trees Provincetown, whether through our Constant Contact e-mails or other e-mails or mail notices. We will provide you access to your personal information and let you correct such data if it is inaccurate, or delete it, if so desired.
Trees Provincetown collects personal information when you securely make a donation online; when you choose to receive Constant Contact e-mails or other notices; or when you otherwise voluntarily provide such information. Cookies are used to allow you to navigate the website. We do not share your personal information with third parties. We may use the information we collect to notify you of events or issues sponsored or related to Trees Provincetown, whether through our Constant Contact e-mails or other e-mails or mail notices. We will provide you access to your personal information and let you correct such data if it is inaccurate, or delete it, if so desired.